Cognitive Benefits of VR For Kids

Don’t you just love it when your child’s favorite toy or activity is actually good for them? Well, if your kids are fans of video games and virtual reality (VR), you’re in luck! Despite the negativity often surrounding VR games, they offer a variety of cognitive benefits for children.

If you are not surprised, you are included in the 62% of parents who believe that VR can be a valuable learning tool that offers unique educational experiences for their children. Here are some of the cognitive benefits of VR gaming for kids.

6 Cognitive Benefits of VR For Kids

  1. Research indicates that kids who play VR games that focus on training the brain have better fine motor skills and balance. In fact, they tend to have better mobility overall.
  2. VR gaming improves spatial attention in children and gives them the ability to quickly locate a target in a field of distractors, which has proven to be a good predictor of driving ability.
  3. Playing VR games, which often resemble actual real-world experiences, helps children translate the skills they learned in these educational VR environments to the real world.
  4. According to recent research, children that play shooting games have increased vision capabilities. Scientists have found that the fast-paced games increase adrenaline and dopamine in the brain which helps maintain and improve brain health.
  5. VR gaming increases mental flexibility and improves a child’s ability to quickly switch seamlessly between tasks with conflicting demands.
  6. VR games are a great way to reduce stress and depression in children. Immersing in a VR game can result in short and long-term mood boost that helps them relax and unwind, decreasing the levels of stress a person may be experiencing.

If you are looking for a new and exciting way for your child to get exercise, reap cognitive benefits, and have some fun in the process, BRAVOZ, Jacksonville’s Premier Entertainment Center, is the place to be. With a 40,000 square foot facility, there are over 10 unique attractions that perfect for any age! Come join in the fun today!

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